Basic Assistance
The challenges of academic life go far beyond academic and professional requirements. For many students, taking a university degree sometimes far from hometown brings food, housing and transportation difficulties. Aiming to guarantee equality in the academic environment through specific actions for the assistance for basic needs of students who are in socioeconomic vulnerability or have specific needs, FURG has the Subprogram of Basic Assistance, which includes food, housing, transportation, preschool and permanence aids.
The University offers a full meal service (including breakfast, lunch and dinner) in its University Restaurants located in Rio Grande. Every student has access to meals by BLR$ 3.00 (Brazilian Real) for which they just need to make a biometric registration at the Pro-Rectory of Students Affairs. The ones who are found in socioeconomic vulnerability may request partial aid and pay BRL$ 1.50 or they can also request full aid. For students at the campuses of Santo Antônio da Patrulha, Santa Vitória do Palmar and São Lourenço do Sul, the food aid corresponds to a monthly allowance.
Transportation aid is intended to assist students who have financial difficulties to afford their bus tickets. Students are supported with bus tickets according to their academic year needs. For students at the campuses of Santo Antônio da Patrulha, Santa Vitória do Palmar and São Lourenço do Sul who fulfill the requirements it is offered a monthly transportation aid of BRL$ 150.00.
FURG has eight University Student Houses in Rio Grande, one in Santa Vitória do Palmar, one in São Lourenço do Sul and one in Santo Antônio da Patrulha, and they have room for students from other cities. In places where there are no Student Houses or enough room, the assistance is given by a monthly allowance.
Child Support
It consists of a financial subsidy for students to partially pay expenses of their legal dependents who are less than 6 years old.
Permanence Aid
It is a financial aid modality aimed to guarantee the permanence at the University for students who have an attested socioeconomic vulnerability.
How can I have access to these aids?
The Subprogram of Basic Assistance is managed by the Pro-Rectory of Students Affairs and students may apply to public notices and calls that are specific for each purpose. Student Assistance Calls are available every semester and the aids are given to students who can prove socioeconomic vulnerability in a verification process.
Follow the public notices and calls here.